by HookWebandPrint | Jan 9, 2017
Nick Hook – DJ/producer website Project Description Website for DJ/producer Nick Hook. Includes images and links to current projects, releases, social media and music players, as well as a music page with Soundcloud widgets, a video page with embedded You Tube...
by HookWebandPrint | Aug 24, 2016
Little Pig Publishing website Project description Website for independent digital publishing company, Little Pig Publishing. The website includes Facebook and Twitter feeds plus book category pages, product pages, author biographies and information pages. Project...
by HookWebandPrint | Aug 24, 2016
Tech-noir club website Project description Website for Brighton club brand, Tech-noir. The site features a slide show of photos, plus DJ biogs, news and event pages, Twitter and Facebook feeds, as well as a DJ mixes page with embedded Mixcloud players. Project details...
by HookWebandPrint | Aug 24, 2016
Sue Penrose Mosaics website Project description Website for mosaic artist, Sue Penrose. The website features slide shows and portfolios of Sue’s work, plus courses, Open House, about and contact pages, as well as a blog. Project details Client: Sue Penrose Date:...
by HookWebandPrint | Aug 24, 2016
Niceness reggae crew website Project description Website for Niceness, a reggae crew and club event based in Brighton, UK. The website features a photo slide show, Facebook and Twitter feeds, crew member biographies, events page, a sounds page with embedded Mixcloud...